Genuine Oaxacan Alebrije
Artisan: Florencio Fuentes
Hometown: San Martin Tilcajete, Oaxaca, Mexico
Craftsmanship: Original Oaxacan Folk Art; Hand Carved from One Piece of Copal Tree Wood; Meticulously Hand Painted; Signed on Bottom by Artisan; Exclusive & Unique; Orlondo is the Only One in the World
Fun Backstory: Orlondo the Owl Always Knows
There was a large crowd, and it was growing by the minute. Today was the day that the greatest controversy in all of Oaxaca, Mexico would be resolved. After much debate, arguing, cajoling and bickering it was agreed that the issue would be brought to the wise old owl, Orlondo. He was known far and wide as the “Great Arbitrator,” and today it would take all of his talent and skills to deal with the problem at hand: For today it would be determined which came first, the chicken or the egg!
Preparing to go out and face his public, Orlondo checked himself out in the mirror. He looked as regal as he actually was. His deep, black eyes were surrounded by concentric circles of white, rust, tan and were offset by his white-feathered face. The top of his head was a checkerboard of brown and tan, and his body was pea-green with yellow bands. While he was, without a doubt, the most unique example of an owl anywhere in the world, the trait that made him totally above equal was the circle of blue on his lower abdomen. Surrounded by a light-green beaded boundary, Orlondo’s very appearance inspired awe in all those who viewed him.
He surveyed the crowd in front of him, and proceeded slowly to his usual roost. A hush fell upon the crowd as Orlondo cleared his throat and spoke:
“Who,” he began, “is speaking on behalf of the chicken?”
A stately looking gentleman known as “Uncle Rat” stood and made his way to where Orlondo sat.
“I,” he began slowly, “will defend the point that it was definitely the chicken that came first.”
Nodding his approval, Orlondo next asked, “And who is representing the egg?”
It did not surprise anyone when El Tortuga advanced. The oldest, and wisest, of all the tortoises in and around the city of Oaxaca, Mexico he long had been known for taking up the cause of the underdog.
“I will show that it was actually the egg that must have been first,” he said.
Orlondo surveyed everyone present, and then made up his mind on how the proceedings would be conducted. With everyone hanging on his every word, he made his proclamation.
“Instead of forcing these two highly respected and intelligent gentlemen to spend most of the day pontificating on the arguments we have all heard a hundred times,” he began, “I will simply ask several questions and, on the basis of the answers I receive, I will make my decision.”
A nervous titter ran through those gathered as they realized the value of such a plan. Clearing his throat to quiet the crowd, he began his questions.
“Uncle Rat,” he addressed his long time friend, “are you aware that people eat both chicken and eggs.”
“Why, of course,” Uncle Rat replied almost indignantly.
“And you, El Tortuga, would you agree that typically eggs are eaten in the morning and chicken in the evening.”
“Certainly,” the tortoise replied.
“Hmmmmm. Is Gallo the rooster here?” Orlondo asked.
Intrigued, and wondering how he would be entering into this decision, Gallo immediately advanced and stood by Uncle Rat and El Tortuga.
“Gentlemen,” Orlondo said, “do you both know Gallo.”
Nodding affirmatively, they both indicted that they did,
“El Tortuga, do you know what is said about Gallo in regard to fiestas?’
“Yes, that he is always the first to come and the last to leave.”
“Would you both agree that Gallo could be considered poultry?”
Again, the two nodded that they did.
“Well,” Orlondo said, “if it is true that the first to come is the last to go, then it stands to reason that the chicken came first, for it is always eaten hours after the egg and is the last to go.”
A universal “ahhhhhhhh” simultaneously escaped the lips of all those present. Satisfied that he had rendered a sound judgment, Orlondo excused himself and went off to ponder his next great philosophical question: Why, exactly, did the chicken cross the road?
